Name: Hanusha Appearance: Hanusha is a towering figure, standing at over 8 feet tall. His body is covered in thick, golden fur, with rippling muscles that seem to bulge at every angle. His face is that of a humanoid monkey, with piercing green eyes that seem to glow with an inner light. He wears a… Continue reading Know Your Character [KYC]: Hanusha – The Monkey Prince
Tag: Mistry Characters
Know Your Character [KYC]: Professor Singhay
Full Name: Professor Amal Singhay Age: 40 Occupation: Mystic, Philosopher, and Professor of History Personality: Professor Singhay is a highly intellectual and curious individual with a deep passion for history and mysticism. He is a natural explorer who seeks out the unknown and the unexplainable, always eager to uncover hidden truths and ancient secrets. He… Continue reading Know Your Character [KYC]: Professor Singhay