Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Best Bedtime story for kids
4 mins read

Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Best Bedtime story for kids

In the classic bedtime story for kids, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” curious Goldilocks stumbles upon the home of three bears. She tries their porridge, chairs, and beds, finding some too hot, cold, hard, or soft, but some just right. When the bears return, they discover her mischief, and she learns the importance of respecting others’ property and boundaries. This timeless tale teaches valuable lessons about consequences and respect, making it a perfect bedtime story for children.

Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage deep in the forest, there lived three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. One morning, Mama Bear made a big pot of delicious porridge for breakfast.

Papa Bear: “This porridge is too hot! Let’s go for a walk in the forest while it cools down.”

Mama Bear: “Great idea, Papa Bear! Come along, Baby Bear.”

Baby Bear: “Yay! I love walks!”

So, the three bears left their cottage and went for a walk in the forest.

Not far from the bear’s cottage, a little girl named Goldilocks was wandering through the woods. She had beautiful golden hair, and she was very curious. As she walked, she came across the bear’s cozy little cottage.

Goldilocks: “What a lovely cottage! I wonder who lives here. The door is open, maybe I’ll take a peek inside.”

Goldilocks walked into the cottage and saw three bowls of porridge on the table. She was feeling quite hungry, so she decided to try the porridge.

Goldilocks: “I’ll try the porridge in this big bowl first.”

She tasted Papa Bear’s porridge.

Goldilocks: “Ouch! This porridge is too hot!”

Then she tried Mama Bear’s porridge.

Goldilocks: “Brrr! This porridge is too cold.”

Finally, she tasted Baby Bear’s porridge.

Goldilocks: “Mmm, this porridge is just right!”

And Goldilocks ate all of Baby Bear’s porridge until the bowl was empty.

After finishing the porridge, Goldilocks felt tired. She looked around and saw three chairs. She decided to sit down and rest.

Goldilocks: “I’ll try this big chair first.”

She sat in Papa Bear’s chair.

Goldilocks: “Oof! This chair is too hard.”

Then she tried Mama Bear’s chair.

Goldilocks: “Oh no! This chair is too soft.”

Finally, she sat in Baby Bear’s chair.

Goldilocks: “Ah, this chair is just right!”

But as she sat in Baby Bear’s chair, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks: “Oh dear! I didn’t mean to break it. I should find a place to rest.”

Goldilocks went upstairs and found three beds. She decided to lie down and take a nap.

Goldilocks: “I’ll try this big bed first.”

She lay down in Papa Bear’s bed.

Goldilocks: “This bed is too hard.”

Then she tried Mama Bear’s bed.

Goldilocks: “This bed is too soft.”

Finally, she lay down in Baby Bear’s bed.

Goldilocks: “Ah, this bed is just right!”

And Goldilocks fell fast asleep in Baby Bear’s bed.

After their walk, the three bears returned home. They immediately noticed something was wrong.

Papa Bear: “Someone’s been eating my porridge!”

Mama Bear: “Someone’s been eating my porridge too!”

Baby Bear: “Someone’s been eating my porridge, and they ate it all up!”

Then they saw the chairs.

Papa Bear: “Someone’s been sitting in my chair!”

Mama Bear: “Someone’s been sitting in my chair too!”

Baby Bear: “Someone’s been sitting in my chair, and they’ve broken it!”

The bears quietly went upstairs and noticed the beds.

Papa Bear: “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!”

Mama Bear: “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed too!”

Baby Bear: “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, and she’s still here!”

Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears standing over her. She was so frightened that she jumped out of the bed and ran out of the cottage as fast as she could.

Goldilocks: “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any harm!”

Goldilocks ran all the way home, promising herself she would always respect other people’s property and never enter a house without permission again.

From that day on, Goldilocks was very careful and always remembered the lesson she learned from the three bears. And the three bears made sure to lock their door whenever they went out for a walk.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

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